Hoarfrost in My Southern Alberta Native Wildflower Garden

Blackeyed Susans with hoarfrost in southern Alberta prairie garden

We’ve had some strangely foggy conditions for the past several days. Although I really look forward to some sunshine again, the beauty of the hoarfrost produced by this weather is undeniable!

I had a quick stroll around the yard and snapped these photos this afternoon.

Blue Oat Grass

Blue Oat Grass with hoarfrost in winter in southern Alberta wildflower garden

Not a native plant, I’m fully aware. I’m still a big fan of blue oat grass for it’s strong textural presence, and I especially love it here with the frost.

Blackeyed Susan

Blackeyed susans covered in hoarfrost in southern Alberta wildflower garden

Just look at all those individual ice crystals on these stems! Breathtaking.


Tamarack or native larch covered in hoarfrost in Southern Alberta

This makes me love the native larch or tamarack even more! It has such a delicate and unique look about it. (I also think it’s fun that people think there’s a dead tree in our front yard, and then surprise! it greens up first in the spring with the softest bright green needles.)

White Spruce

White spruce branches with needles covered in hoarfrost in Southern Alberta

It was really unique how the north facing sides of the trees didn’t have as much frost on them. It was perfectly still and not sunny due to the fog, so I don’t understand why. Explanations welcomed in the comments 🙂

Little Bluestem

Little Bluestem bowed down under the weight of hoarfrost in winter in Southern Alberta wildflower garden

Again, Little Bluestem doesn’t disappoint! It’s such a graceful grass, even bowed down with the weight of these ice crystals.

Bee Balm

Bee balm covered in hoarfrost in winter in southern Alberta wildflower garden

Next we have Bee Balm; it’s super sturdy plants have held up well to all the weather thrown at them! They’re standing as tall as ever…through windstorms, snowstorms, freezing rain, chinooks, you name it! I’m impressed. (I actually snapped this photo yesterday).

Rocky Mountain Fescue

Rocky Mountain Fescue with evidence of deer browse in Southern Alberta wildflower garden

I included this not because of frosty beauty…but would you look at that deer damage! Apparently they like to eat Rocky Mountain Fescue. I saw they had munched on my echinaceas, fruit trees, and evergreen shrubs as well. Although it’s nice to see wildlife, I do wish those beasts would leave my precious plants alone…!


Anyway…this is just a tiny glimpse into how my garden is looking this winter (see some other winter photos here). I’m hoping you’re able to find some beauty in your winter gardens or landscapes as well, even if you’re as eager for spring to arrive as I am!